Book of the Week - $100 Startup

$100 Startup

If you're looking to start a business and are looking for examples of how other people have done it without borrowing thousands of dollars, this is the how-to for you.

Here's the book's description:

In preparing to write this book, Chris [Guillebeaut] identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and from that group he’s chosen to focus on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment.

Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who’ve learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It’s all about finding the intersection between your “expertise” – even if you don’t consider it such -- and what other people will pay for. You don’t need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid.

Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris’s key principles: if you’re good at one thing, you’re probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish – sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins.

My favorite quotes from the book:

Give people what they really want, not just what you think they should have.

> Most people want more of some things (money, love attention) and less of other things (stress, anxiety, debt). Always focus on what you can add or take away to improve someone's life ... and then prepare to get paid.

Pick up your copy at Amazon.

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