Software Tool of the Week - Sunrise Calendar

Sunrise Calendar [] is the best calendar tool you'll use on your desktop and mobile phone. It works with all of the major calendars out there: Google Calendar, iCloud, Exchange,, and Office 365. It also integrates with everything else you use: * Facebook * TripIt…

Wear this Not That - Dress Socks

Dress Socks that Aren't Boring An inexpensive way to spruce up any outfit is to wear better socks. For $10 or less, you can get a great pair of socks that add a graceful touch to your wardrobe. Today's Wear This Not That [https://www.danielwjudge.…

Book of the Week - Code

[] Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software [] is a fantastic book on the beginning era of computers. It details not just how they work, but WHY they work in the way they do. I wish I would've read…

Soft Skill Tip of the Week - DON'T Be a Rockstar Programmer

> Rather than rockstars we should look for composers and song writers. — Boom Haackalacka (@haacked) March 14, 2015 [] I agree Phil. Rockstars are a pain to work with. They show up late, act disinterested, demand special treatment, and have wild mood swings. They can…

Code Problem of the Week - Calculating Average Bed Times

One of the features of the software I work on [] is it's ability to tell you how well/poor you slept during the night. The software can also automatically calculate when you went to sleep and when you woke up. We&…